Saturday, November 13, 2010

Peugeot BB1 Combines A Scooter and A Car as Future Transportation

The Peugeot BB1 concept is actually an excellent combination of a traditional Peugeot scooter along with a Peugeot car. The key objective of this project is to offer a car that is ideal for city living and driving on busy traffic. Even with this compact shape, this car can make room for 4 passengers including the driver as a result of efficient interior design. The roof structure can easily puzzle a viewer to besolar panel or something like that. The innovative horn shaped steering wheel has clearly taken this car apart from other traditional wheel-shaped steering mechanism cars.
peugeot bb1 futuristic concept car
peugeot bb1 futuristic concept car
peugeot bb1 futuristic concept car
peugeot bb1 futuristic concept car
peugeot bb1 futuristic concept car
peugeot bb1 futuristic concept car
peugeot bb1 futuristic concept car

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